Saturday, October 22, 2011

Halloween Costumes

Some great Halloween costumes courtesy of Pinterest.

Mary Poppins



Princess Mononoke. I love this one!

Harry Potter

Where the Wild Things are


As for me....well, I'm still brainstorming. If I can pull together a decent Mononoke, I may do that.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Things that I'm excited about:

These are things that I'm excited about:
-Blogging again
-Sewing more
-Costumes!!!!!!!!! I love halloween for this reason
-Winter running
-Homemade pumpkin pie. From a pumpkin. It's the best.
-Outings with friends, especially during the holidays
-Finishing my painting
-My hubby finishing school
-Writing more
-Blogging again. Yeah, I've been quiet for too long.