Thursday, December 30, 2010

2010 Recap

This is what happened in 2010:

Caleb and I completed our first married winter. Still happy. Still in love, and learning how to love each other more.


In February, we started attending our church in Columbia (while still moving in Moberly). We love Karis and are so happy to be there!

We celebrated our first year of marriage! We went to Osage beach. Went hiking, canoeing....found a waterfall and went in it, and hung out with friends at their lake front home.


Officially became members of our church.

Said 'goodbye' to Moberly and moved to Columbia. Transferred my job and made a leap into new territory (the picture below was right before we moved...picked strawberries with friends!).


A humid summer spent in Columbia, working two jobs, trying not to go too crazy, but still incredibly thankful for all God's blessings.

Changed my blog.

Hung out with neighborhood kids all summer and threw a VBS for them.

Flew back to Arizona for my little sister's wedding.


Enjoyed a long fall (winter has been so timid....).

Was promoted to full-time at my job, allowing me to let go of my second job.

I turned twenty-six. I officially feel old. Well, rather, I feel the age is old. I don't know that I match that age. I feel younger. Maybe twenty-four.


Had a lovely white Christmas with my husband's family in St. Louis.


The last day of 2010 I will be working til 6:30pm and then (hopefully) getting myself somewhat fancy to go to a party with friends. If I remember to bring my camera....there will be pictures.


Sunday, December 19, 2010



Just a post to rave about the adorable hardbacks that Penguin Books is producing for some of the classics. I got Pride & Prejudice, Sense & Sensibility and Emma for my birthday. Some of my favorite sturdy and adorable, complete with a place-saving ribbon!

Cosmic Birthday and Beyond

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Even though I'm done with school, Caleb still had his finals and papers to complete and needed the computer and my assistance. I'm so glad he's done! (for now).

Well, I had a mini birthday shindig and it was really fun. We went out for pizza and cosmic bowling. I hadn't been bowling in ages, and I'll say up front, I'm not very good at it. But my goodness, it was fun. One in our party did a backward granny bowl and got a strike out of it. While we were bowling it snowed several inches, so when we were done we went out to a cold, winter wonderland.



We don't remember what he was yelling at.


Photos by Philip Rawson

Sooo, Christmas is around the corner. We still have one gift to get. My grandma wants a picture of us, so I want to get a nice frame for that. This year we are going to St. Louis to visit Caleb's grandparents, Mom and stepdad. It should be nice. I have the sweetest in-laws. Well, I hope to update again soon. Til then, Cheers!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

547 days and counting...

A year and a half ago I married my best friend. It has been an adventure for sure. He never fails to make me laugh, cheer me up and show me love. Of course, sometimes there isn't anyone who can make me more angry. But these times are few. I love his patience. I love his wisdom. I love his guidence. I love the ridiculous faces that he makes for me, that I know no one else gets to see. My husband, Caleb, is a goofball--and I love him to death.

Our story is common, I'm sure. We met at school. We were friends for a while, until we both suddenly realized how much we enjoyed each other's company. Before the semester's end (before I went back home to AZ), we pulled three all-nighters in a row, just so we could see each other more. We stayed up talking, laughing, listening to music. At one point we made homemade ice turned out terrible (note: if you don't have milk--dont substitute with rice milk. If you don't have sugar--don't substitute with splenda. If you don't have vanilla--don't use rum extract. But if you must, have a roommate willing to eat it all).


During the summer, I travelled a lot. AZ to Germany to Austria to Belgium to AZ to San Diego to AZ to the mountains up north. We talked a lot on the phone. We emailed even more. Caleb decided that he was going to hop on a Greyhound to see me at the end of summer and we'd travel back to school together when the semester started. I was so nervous--I liked him...I knew he liked me...but neither of us had said it. It still wasn't said until the day after we returned to Missouri for school. That's when we decided to date.


The day after we decided to date....I broke up with him. Yes, I was ridiculous. I had always been overly cautious of my heart. After my last break up especially. I was so afraid to take a chance, that instead I was opting for running away from the most amazing person God was putting in front of me. Thankfully, after a phone call from my momma, and her calling me out on my fear, I decided to call Caleb to meet me. I ran out of my dorm when he came. I fell into his arms crying and told him I didn't want to run away from him. He wrapped his arms around me and I knew I had done the best thing I could have.


Fast forward two eventful years of ups and downs and more ups, with learning and growing and loving--we were married. I knew I was going to marry him after two months of dating. Marriage so far has been a beautiful challenge. We challenge each other in our weaknesses and encourage each other in our strengths. We help each other grow closer to God. It's our hope to resemble God's love for us and our love for him (Eph. 5:21-33). I'm excited to see what the rest of our lives bring for us.


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Book vs. Movie

I will be honest with you. I usually see the movie before the book. This is mostly due to accessibility. It's easy to see a two hour movie, while a book can take a few days to a week. I have yet to read the Harry Potter books, but look forward to them, as I hear they are better than the movies (which I love).

It seems that this is often the case--the books are typically better than their film adaptations. I have yet to see a film that lives up to the novel Jane Eyre. All adaptations seem ridiculous and inaccurate to me. I was unsatisfied with Shopgirl, which is strange considering the author produced, directed and starred in it. It was a fabulous novella, and a forgettable film. Some movies are just as good as their books. I love Sense & Sensibility (with Emma Thompson), Pride & Prejudice (with Keira Knightley),  White Oleander, Anne of Green Gables, Bleak House (recent BBC version). These are books I grew up reading (minus White Oleander and Bleak House, these are recent reads), and their film adaptations were spot on.


Sense & Sensibility

Anne Shirley


This brings me to a novel I am now reading after already seeing the movie. I saw the BBC movie of North & South last year and fell in love with it. I've watched it so many times that when I put it in for another view, my husband groans, "You're watching that again???". Well, I finally checked out the book by Elizabeth Gaskell from the library and as I've been reading it, I'm realizing how much more amazing it is as a book. It's fantastic. I get to see the characters much more clearly and as intended. And even though I love the movie, I love it even more knowing what the characters are thinking in each scene--something not always portrayed.


Well, I decided to pop in North & South while stitching up a hole in a shirt. As I was watching it, I came across a scene the screenwriters added to try and give more insight to one of the main characters. They aspects they were trying to get across are originally written as thoughts--something hard to put on camera. The thing is, it changes certain aspects of this characters personality. They've left out main elements that progress the relationship in the story. It made me sad (so I jumped on here to blog about it).



Anyway, moral of the story is, I will probably still occasionally see the movie before the book. I will also occasionally be let down by film adaptations of books I love. I would encourage you to do both and read the book along with seeing the movie. You may be blown away by how great one of them is. Also, if you happen to have similar tastes to anything that I have mentioned above, I strongly recommend reading North & South by Gaskell.

Remembering how truly good God is and how much He stinking loves us; focusing on the reality of that....really is the cure-all of any selfish woe.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Long Of It

As the weather is changing, so am I, and lately I've been in love with long dresses and skirts. Not necessarily of the maxi-dress persuasion, but more like the pictures below. They look so comfortable, elegant, timeless and attractive. So I've been on the lookout for dresses of this nature.








Unfortunately I have been grabbing these awesome photos over time and cannot credit where they came from. I did not take these pictures. I do know, however, the last is Bonnie of Flashes of Style.


First, a mini update: I didn't get the position I interviewed for. Sad, yes, but okay. I was supposed to be interviewed today for another manager position, but they closed that one for interviews. Sad, yes, but okay.But I did inherit a full-time position in the deli, which is where I currently am, and I'll patiently await a manager position.

Anyway, the weather is finally changing to the point where I think I can actually start layering. I have only within the past year realized how much I absolutely love layering clothing. Oh, how I love fall!!! The leaves here in Columbia are all changing and beautiful. I love my's really quite attractive! My other job (which I'll be letting go soon) is a home health job and I get to drive to different parts of the city for my clients and I love finding different routes to get to their houses. One of my clients likes to bike, so we go to the Katy trail, which is lovely. Of course, just looking out our windows is pretty.

I'm always so inspired with the weather change. I have an abundance of crafts to get started, books to read, recipies to try.... And I think a reorginization of furniture is due.

As for what is currently happening: I'm reading North & South, by Elizabeth Gaskell. It's amazing. I've seen the BBC movie adaptation--which I love--and the book is even better than that. I'm almost finished with it.  Also, I have made my first official fall dessert: Pumpkin Pie from scratch. I love making it from an actual pumpkin and not a can. It tastes so much better. And the good thing is it makes extra filling, so I have enough filling for two more pies in my freezer when I'm feeling like having a delicious they wont last very long. I'll probably pick up another pumpkin to make pie filling out of. Mmmmmm. If you'd like to make it, I follow this recipe, and make my crust from crushed gingersnap cookies and butter. Also, I've been making lots of one pot recipes. Last night I made black bean and sweet potato soup. It's absolutely yum. We'll feast off of it for a couple of days, and then I'll make something else, hopefully equally delicious. I'm at a pause as far as art projects go...mostly because I'm really wanting to do furniture modification, so that's been what I've been brainstorming.

Anyway, that's where I'm at right now. Hopefully I'll have pictures to post of some progress in my art endeavors and other things that are happening here.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

opportunity knocks...

I'm not sure exactly why I'm as nervous as I am. Today I have a job interview for a management position at work. It would be in a department that is still under my awesome manager (seriously, I have the coolest manager over my area!). So I would really like this position. Getting this position would mean a lot-- it would be full time with benefits; it would be a 7am-4pm Shift; and my manager and another manager I respect would assist me with the transition and anything else I would need help with. Also, this means that I could finally quit my other job! That's something I've been wanting to do for a while. It's been very straining to work two go from one to the other really makes for the longest day.

I'm not familiar with the person who will be conducting the interview, but if it's who I think it is, then I need to appear entirely confident. I need to somehow get across my ability to be a leader, though I have no formal managerial experience. Thus, I am nervous....and excited....and hopeful.

Anyway, pray that I get it! I think they will let me know within a day or two. I'm the last person being interviewed for the position. I'm hoping they see the leader in me. I know she's there; I just need to make sure she's obvious. Because clearly, I'm the best person for the job! (Positive thinking!)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Another time and place...

I will often think that I was born in the wrong century, sometimes just the wrong decade, and often the wrong country/region. God made me in my mom's belly, so I was supposed to arrive in the winter of 1984 in Phoenix, AZ. But still...   Lately I've been reading some very enjoyable classics. I'm finishing up Bleak House by Charles Dickins, and I just had a reread of Jane Eyre. My next book to start will be North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell--a book I've been anxious to read since watching the BBC miniseries on it.  Reading these books have been a wonderful escape from the things that clutter up our world today. Don't get me wrong.  I do see the value in technology, computers, cell phones, cars, freeways, an abundance of restaurants... I also see their disadvantage. I miss the value of a patiently awaited letter from a friend. A quiet walk down a tree-shaded lane. A warm, home cooked meal. Sometimes I just want to silence the busyness and just rest in the peace of slow time.  This morning I got together with a friend to catch up and pray. It was relaxing and encouraging. After I walked back home through the neighborhoods full of trees, the birds were talking, the squirrels were gathering acorns, skiddish as I passed them. It was a cloudy peaceful morning and I was glad to partake in it.

Along with these thoughts, there are others: fall is coming and I'm excited about that. The change of summer to fall gives me an energy I crave. I believe I'm most motivated, creative and optimistic in the fall (and I'm a fairly optimistic person). For the past....oh year or two...I've been trying to grow up my tastes. I find myself not interested in some of the things I was interested in the past. I've been growing up my tastes in entertainment, though some stay the same (Jane Austin, and the classics I enjoy). I've been growing up the art I create (and how I decorate my space)--a reflection of where I'm at. I've been (slowly) growing up my wardrobe, although this is hard to do with a lack of funds. My wardrobe interests are becoming  much like my thoughts in this post--the classics. On top of that, I have a slight fascination with menswear as women's wear. Lulu Letty has been the major wardrobe inspiration alongside my novels and BBC renditions of such classics. At some point I hope to have a fully functional wardrobe. But since I want quality pieces, this may take a while. This fall I hope to have the motivation and creativity needed to be productive. I have a lot I want to accomplish and this is my season.

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Maria of Lulu Letty

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Alexa Chung for Madewell

Friday, August 20, 2010

A new wind.

I'm full of all sorts of art ideas. Some of them are for paintings and some of them are practical crafts (like my quilt, shelving, etc.). So I'm hoping that something comes from all of this. I will need to pick up some minor supplies, but I'm really excited about it.

Also, I think that this recent spur of artistic motivation is largely do to the change in weather/seasons. I love the change. Change/transition is my favorite season. There is so much excitement in the anticipation.

I am also eager to wear boots again.


Friday, August 13, 2010

Sans Makeup

It's been another hot, muggy day in Columbia. Thankfully, I had a half day at work and I've had the opportunity to shower and lazy around in the AC (which we keep at a modest 78 degrees to save money). I didn't feel like wearing makeup today. I don't normally depend on it. I wear it more out of habit than anything. But it feels nice to be a clean pallet. With doing this I realized that I normally shy away from pictures when I'm not "ready". My hair is in a state of continual growth, and without makeup, I would normally not want a camera near. So I decided to take some pictures. Even though I feel awkward and vulnerable, I do realize that they are just pictures and it is just me. I have no standard to live up to, and I am comfortable in my skin.


Eternal Honeymoon

I was looking in a book and stumbled apon something interesting. It was the story of Glen and Bessie Hyde. The adventurous newlyweds decided to have a honeymoon in the Grand Canyon, rafting down the Colorado. If they would have made it through, Bessie would have been the first recorded woman to have ventured it. Unfortunately, half way through, after making a stop for more supplies, they were not heard of for several months. With winter coming, search parties were sent out, however all they found was their raft full of their supplies, as if they had just wandered off from it. There was a cooked ham in the skillet and all their gear remained. They were never found.

I find stories like this incredibly interesting--of course, I can do this, being detached from the people and the time. If this happened to someone now, or even to someone I knew, I would feel much differently. But as it is, they are ghosts of the Grand Canyon, on an eternal honeymoon.




Thursday, August 12, 2010

Friendly Nebraska Visit

This past weekend, Caleb and I got to visit some really great friends of ours that moved to Lincoln, NE last year. It was so great seeing them. Being around them and their six kids is always so fun and encouraging. And I'll admit, being around the kids makes me all the more excited about someday having my own. It was a really relaxing weekend. We helped/hung out at their First Fridays Artwalk. Their church is in the downtown area and they host one of the galleries. We got to meet some of the artists, and one of them, Robert Donlan gave a performance--basically a monologue of the meaning behind the art. It was pretty neat. For the rest of our time, we mostly caught up and hung out--got ice cream, amazing street tacos (they were soooooooo good), walked around with the kids. It was a great weekend.

Cheech and Ruth

Me and the girls, Hadassah and Fairlight

Gideon doing his pose

Aaron in his gear. Him and older brother Moses are playing football.


Haddy being adorable. She's so big! I hadn't seen her since January.

Beautiful Fairlight

One more of Haddy. Silas is the only one I didn't get a picture of. He was in time-out for a large portion of the picture taking.

Pictures by me and the Sorilla kiddos.